Participant FAQs
Who can enrol in the trial?
Patients that have COVID-19 and are in hospital, but are not yet receiving care in an intensive care unit.
When will we see results?
The study needs lots of participants to be able to see if the treatments work. When enough patients have been enrolled in the study, we will look at the results as quickly as possible.
Where will patients be treated?
Patients will be treated in the same hospital where they have been admitted for treatment.
Do you have to agree to participate in all domains?
You can consent to participate in only one domain, or multiple domains. Your study doctor will ask for your consent to each different study domain prior to including you in the study.
What if I am pregnant?
If you are pregnant, you are still able to participate in this study. There may be some interventions that you will not be able to be participate in, as we do not know the treatment’s effects on the unborn baby. You will only be randomised to treatments that have already been tested in pregnant women.
Are there opportunities to recruit CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) and LOTE (Languages Other Than English) participants?
Translators are available at all hospitals, and the trial management team are working to translate the consent form into other languages to assist with recruiting these participants.